Cape Brewing Company (CBC) became a reality when the Swedish brewer, Henrik Dunge, joined the team of two beer enthusiasts, Charles Back and Andy Kung, and helped put their words into action to establish a brewery that makes beer as it should be made — in true craft style. It was agreed that only the finest ingredients would be good enough for their beer. This was to be their passion and pride. It was a proud day on 10 December 2012 when their doors opened to the public. Within the first year, they drew more than 30 000 visitors to the brewery and over 45 000 visitors in 2014. Today, the word continues to spread as more and more people share in their passion for finely-crafted beers. They leave the shortcuts to lesser beers. As with anything worth doing well, there are no quick fixes or half measures when your goal is to produce the finest beer. The harder they work, the greater the reward.
Products on offer:
- CBC Lager 440ml
- CBC Pilsner 440ml
- CBC Amber Weiss 440ml
- CBC Crystal Weiss 440ml
- CBC Imperial IPA 330ml
- CBC Mandarina Bavaria IPA 440ml